22nd Nov 2019 Hyderabad, 5th Dec 2019 New Delhi, 31st Jan 2020 Kolkata & 7th Feb 2020 Mumbai – Certification Workshop for Expertise on POSH

22nd Nov 2019 Hyderabad, 5th Dec 2019 New Delhi, 31st Jan 2020 Kolkata & 7th Feb 2020 Mumbai – Certification Workshop for Expertise on POSH

It gives us great pleasure to host another series of this Workshop for you PAN India. As part of being empanelled with Government of India, Ministry of Women & Child Development for conducting training and awareness programs, we regularly conduct these workshops and these are also important so that we can assist in remaining updated – on the several recent judgments that Indian Courts are coming out with regularly.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This is a posh certification course for getting expertise on the Law. It is especially beneficial to those employees in the role of HR, legal, Ethics & Compliance etc. responsible for compliance of this law, those acting as IC members or are new inductees in IC and independent professionals working in this area or aspiring to work in this area (by being part of IC as External member or trainer or otherwise). This is also helpful for managers wanting to understand compliance requirements under law, conduct training within their organization or outside and wanting to know technicalities around handling complaints so that they can provide appropriate support to IC members.

Some of the practical challenges we will deal with:

What to do when you cannot identify nature of complaint?

What if complaints are raised against outsiders (strangers or employees of other organizations)?

Evidence: What is admissible, What is NOT?

How to handle difficult situations such as party or parties seeking change in composition of IC members? Filing of defamation cases? Maintenance of confidentiality in a situation where emails / letters have been marked to several persons in senior / middle management? IC discovering other administrative concerns or ethical violations during inquiry etc.?

What is admissible, What is NOT?

How to examine and cross-examine?

Principles of natural justice: what does that mean in the real world?

What are the key things to keep in mind while drafting an inquiry report?

How to make recommendations?

What are the common lapses and red flags?

What are the Indian courts deciding on matters related to sexual  harassment?

Some of the other things we will discuss through recent case laws and our practical experience in the last few months:

  1. Understanding Employer’s responsibilities under Law, its importance & consequences of non-compliance
  2. Composition, appointment, removal & term of office of Internal Committee (IC) – Do’s & Don’ts
  3. The importance of following process prescribed by Law
  4. Role of IC members & HR in assisting Employer in fulfilling the same
  5. Managing multiple roles of mentor, manager, colleague, employee
  6. Sexual Harassment: Types & Criteria
  7. Workplace harassment vs. sexual harassment
  8. Sexual harassment & relationships
  9. Process of inquiry in light of recent judgments
  10. Recent developments to be aware of and keep in mind
  11. Drafting of inquiry report
  12. Do’s & Don’ts

Understanding all the above concepts & various scenarios using real life examples, activities and case laws and their application to a Mock Complaint that’ll be shared during workshop.


We are a unique team – will not only discuss the law but also psychological aspects and finer nuances that could be grey areas and arise as practical challenges (you can see the attached program schedule for details). This will ensure that you are able to contribute more effectively with fuller knowledge and holistic understanding

Sexual harassment is being interpreted in different ways and there are a lot of finer nuances being developed. For example – click here to read about one such judgment and click here for one more

Courts are also interpreting role of IC members (you can click here to read about the judgment) and levying penalties on employers so its important to know the do’s and don’ts

The process has not been provided in detail under law and but is being determined by courts in India. It is also important that employees are not misinformed – you can click here to read about the judgment

We will discuss everything through mock complaints, activities and more and even do live drafting of inquiry report! Along with sharing our practical experience in this space across industries!

Kindly Register Above for a Detailed Schedule of the Workshop

  • Things to look out for Practical Guide
  • A powerpoint presentation for quick reference
  • Do’s and Don’ts and things to keep in mind
  • Checklist for compliance
  • Checklist for timelines
  • Booklet containing Guidelines on the law

In case of a freelancer – this would enable POSHequili to consider having you as consultant, if you are working / looking at working in this space – post further certification


The workshop will be conducted by us – who are POSH experts and the entire firm’s experience is to deal with such concerns. With over 250+ clients and workshops done for over 1 lakh individuals – our experience will speak in the workshop.

Samriti Makkar Midha (Clinical Psychologist, Corporate Trainer, External Member)

Samriti Makkar Midha is a trained & practicing Psychologist (Clinical)  with extensive experience of working with a diverse adult population on a breadth of personal and professional issues. Her work covers areas of self-development, emotional regulation, workplace issues, interpersonal relationships,  emotional abuse in significant relationships, domestic violence, mental health, and coping with critical situations. She has over 3000 hours of counseling experience & has conducted over 400 seminars. Samriti serves as an external member of IC of several companies. She conducts organisation-wide training sessions to educate employees, managers & IC about their roles and responsibilities in the prevention and redressal of sexual harassment at workplace. As a trained counselor she provides a deeper understanding of psycho-social factors of abuse and harassment for both the complainant & respondent.

Shivangi Prasad, (Advocate – High Court, Legal Consultant, External Member)

Shivangi Prasad holds a B.L.S.LL.B. Degree from the prestigious Government Law College, Mumbai. She is an advocate, specializing in corporate laws and laws related to women and child rights, including the law on sexual harassment of women at workplace. She provides her expert legal advice on these laws and several organisations are supported by her presence as an external member of their Internal Committee (IC). In 2015, she co-authored a book titled ‘Handbook on the law of Sexual Harassment,’ which was published and marketed by Thomson Reuters. The second edition has come out in 2019. The key objective was to provide a legal commentary for legal practitioners & practical handbooks for company managers in human resource, administration and compliance functions, directors and IC members. The book is also available online on Amazon and Big Book Shop.

Sana Hakim (Advocate – High Court, Litigation Expert, External Member)

Sana Hakim holds an LL.B. Degree from the prestigious Government Law College, Mumbai and a Masters of Law Degree from the Mumbai University. She specialises in family and criminal laws especially laws related to crime against women such as sexual harassment, domestic violence etc. She has several years of experience in practicing in the Bombay High Court, Sessions Court, Family Court and various Magistrate Courts around Mumbai and Thane. She has conducted several talks & lectures on sexual harassment, played an active role in conducting an inquiry in various cases, and facilitated filing of criminal complaints, F.I.R (if required), and briefing and counseling on legal consequences of filing false complaints and prevention thereof. She is also visiting faculty in a Government aided Law College since 4 years and teaches the degree as well as Diploma courses.

Check Out the Feedback of Our Workshops!

“Nobody else could explain the POSH Law better than the Trainers at POSHequili. It was a good mix of Lawyers and Counsellors. The training not only gave me the right logic and perspective of the Law, its procedures, and intricacies but also its origins and current updates in society. The training is ideal for IC members and HR who want to be the torch bearers of zero tolerance in their organization.”

Shruti Singh, Mumbai I must say I came to Bangalore to attend the POSH training with an open mind but a lot of expectations. I was excited no doubts because after 14 years of being a soft skills trainer, I was very keen on doing something new and niche. The POSH training started on 17th May 2019 and ended on 24th May 2019. I can very happily and confidently say it was definitely one of the best training programs I have attended (I have attended numerous training programs in my life). The training was so very interesting, well organized and so full of impact that not a second was anyone bored or feeling lethargic. Hats off to the trainers, Shivangi, Samriti, and Sana who were just amazing and ensured that all the participants understood every single bit. The training was outstanding in every aspect and very informative. I thank my trainers for all the information supported with relevant case studies and role-plays which has certainly left a major impact.”

Bharati Iyer, Chennai “It was a very elaborate training and covered all the aspects of the law, in fact, minute attention was paid to all the points. Nothing was left untouched. We had insightful discussions on all the subtopics and ample time was given to all the participants and all the queries were answered, giving us the correct details and clarity. We got a lot of examples and case studies to be discussed and understand the concepts and the whole process. The facilitators have excellent facilitation skills and are truly experts on the subject. It reflects throughout the training be it content, PPT, delivery styles, session planning, and handling, and answering the participant questions. The training made me confident on the subject and the Law as I know that I have great mentors for support.”

Urvashi Mirani, Mumbai 

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