9 Oct 2020 – Are Your Employees & Managers Aware

9 Oct 2020 – Are Your Employees & Managers Aware?

Greetings from POSHequili!!
Complaints of sexual harassment are being filed even in these changed circumstances. This is because of several reasons such as – lack of awareness about the term ‘workplace,’ the fact that it applies to remote working and that inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated irrespective of the location from which employees are working or the mode of communication used. It is also true that the pandemic has changed things forever, however, employers must, even now, take care of the compliance requirements under Law. Even now, the duty to ‘provide a safe working environment’ continues.

In light of the above and to make compliance more convenient for you, we are glad to inform you that we are conducting an open POSH Awareness Session on Friday, 9th October 2020 from 4.00pm to 5.30pm. The purpose of this Interactive session is to educate & empower employees /staff about their rights as well as duties under the POSH Law – including in the current circumstances. The following will be covered:

  • Understanding the term ‘unwelcome’ and related concepts
  • Understanding terms such as Sexual Harassment, Employee, Workplace etc. and what may lead to sexual harassment
  • Understanding workplace harassment
  • Sexual harassment: physical vs. virtual
  • Sexual Harassment and remote working
  • Understanding the terms ‘quid pro quo’ and ‘hostile work environment’
  • Emphasizing on the purpose of Act and corresponding policy in light of values & mission of the Organization
  • Internal Committee (IC): Composition, Term, Removal
  • Procedure for filing & redressal of a complaint
  • Explaining Consequences of Malicious Complaints
  • Importance of maintaining confidentiality
  • Preventive Measures (also focusing on do’s and don’ts when working remotely)

This will be an interactive discussion and will include learning from Videos, Case Scenarios and Real-life examples, Polling and Quizzes etc.

Proactiveness will not only ensure that employees understand the current changes but also contribute to work effectively. Please let us know if you are interested in attending this session or would like to nominate delegates / team members / general employees from your organisation.

To register, kindly click and fill the form: FILL OUT FORM

For more information please feel free to call us on +91 99878 90608 or send us an email to connect@equilibrioadvisory.org

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